STB U17 Football Team wins Bronze at Addis Ababa Football Tournament

At this year’s football tournament of the Addis Ababa Football Federation the U17 Team from Sport – The Bridge (STB) reached the 3rd place. In the pictures below you see the proud players showing their bronze medals. In the middle of the first picture you see Tamiru Gebermdhin, who is a sport-teacher from STB-Ethiopia and the coach of the U17 team.

Congratulations to the U17 team for their achievement and special thanks to Tamiru for his dedication!

Challenges of Countryside Integration

Article from Lilyana Ahmed, Program Manager STB Ethiopia

It is a significant change in the history of Sport –The Bridge (STB) Ethiopia to see the rising number of street children who come from various regions of Ethiopia in search of a better life in Addis Ababa. In 2006 out of 35 participants there were about 5 from outside Addis. Today, after 10 years, it is the reverse: only 5 out of 35 do not come from outside. Since 2012 STB has reintegrated every year – within the program-cycle going from October to September – between 30 and 45 children into different parts of the country. Although no issue-related institution did a research, all of the organizations working with street-children agree that this time there are not many children from Addis Ababa found living on the street. At least they seem to be organized differently while still being affected by other poverty related causes. As a consequence of these developments STB started working more and more with street children from countryside areas and focusing on uniting them with their families.

Children at STB-Ethiopia, who came from the south to the capital in search of a better life

Children at STB-Ethiopia, who came from the south to the capital in search of a better life

Interventions in the work with street children need follow-ups because it is a reality that issues of relapsing occur very often, especially in combination with drug abuse or mental disorders. In Addis Ababa STB has put in place an effective follow-up system to maintain and support the process of re-socialization of the reintegrated children at home, at the school and in the community. However, when it comes to children who are reintegrated with their family outside of Addis Ababa the follow up work is more difficult because of the distance. There are some big challenges we face every time:


  • When children repeatedly come to Addis to live on the street, our social workers cannot intervene quickly enough to bring the children back to their home because of issues of geographical distance.
  • Every child decides the time of being reintegrated to the countryside whenever he or she is ready. So, it may be odd or even impossible to enroll these kids into school during the reintegration (depending on the beginning and time of the school year). Regarding the time resources the question arises how it can be managed efficiently to register these children for school.
  • Normally, when there are parents of the street children who need support for generating income, STB can provide that support, but because of the distance, it is difficult to involve parents in income-generating activities. It is difficult to ensure support with a sustainable effect. This is why drop-outs occur most likely when parents or legal guardians are having income problems.

As mentioned, for five years STB has brought back between 30 and 45 street children to their families in countryside areas. Although it is difficult to estimate how many of them have come back to Addis Ababa, it should be less than 50% on average – at least we do not encounter more returned children.

The numbers for 2016 are satisfying so far: from 44 reintegrated children only 3 came back to Addis Ababa and one of them already went back home again, with the support of his older brother.

STB is working on establishing a system, which should be effective and can be put into practice within the given framework. What we are already doing today: Almost all of our beneficiaries – even from rural areas – have a mobile phone, or have at least access to one, which was not the case some years ago. So, nowadays, we make regular phone calls to the person who is responsible for taking care of the child. We are also planning to implement this callback system with the responsible government office and with the schoolteachers of the integrated children. This activity helps us to check the situation of each child from a distance and to help solve problems before a child decides to go back to street-life.

The program managers of STB-Ethiopia (f.l.t.r): Lilyana Ahmed and Fikirte Shimelis

The program managers of STB-Ethiopia (f.l.t.r): Lilyana Ahmed and Fikirte Shimelis

Additionally STB is also planning to build up measures to prevent children from coming to Addis Ababa in the first place – always in the hope for a better life, while in most cases they unfortunately end up on the street. In the course of a pilot project STB has proved that it is possible and even very fruitful to work with relevant government offices, schools, and volunteers while dealing with this issue.

In future, working for children coming from other areas of Ethiopia will entail the following: support in obtaining school materials as well as providing awareness raising activities about problems related to street-life for parents, responsible government office workers, and whole communities.. The goal of this new type of prevention activity is to encourage and enable the community itself to take care of the young generation.


Organisationswandel im Programm von STB in Äthiopien

Seit Anbeginn waren die Mitarbeitenden des Strassenkinder-Programms von STB-Äthiopien in verschiedene Departemente aufgeteilt: Sport, Familienintegration, Gesundheit, Ernährung und Infrastruktur. Für die einzelnen Mitarbeitenden hatte die Tätigkeit innerhalb des eigenen Departementes Priorität. Die bereichsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Departementen war mit der gegebenen Struktur stets herausfordernd und gelang trotz diversen Anpassungen nicht zufriedenstellend. Für Lilyana Ahmed und Fikirte Shimelis, das Managementteam von STB Äthiopien, war dies der Hauptgrund für den Anstoss zur Reorganisation und Optimierung des Programms.

Neu gibt es keine Departemente mehr, sondern Arbeitsgruppen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen, die bereichsübergreifend tätig sind. Um die Organisation und Führung des täglichen Geschäfts im Rahmen dieser neuen Struktur sicherzustellen, wurde die Stelle des Programm-Koordinators geschaffen. Nach einem umfangreichen Selektionsverfahren wurde sie durch Leoulseged Kassahun besetzt, der sich hier auf dem STB-Blog näher vorstellt: Seine Aufgabe besteht darin, die verschiedenen Projektentwicklungen und Prozessabläufe zu leiten. Dies umfasst einerseits die Führung des Betreuungsteams und andererseits die Koordination der Aktivitäten für die Kinder und Jugendlichen, welche Leistungen von STB empfangen. Das Managementteam konzentriert sich von nun an auf die Führung des gesamten Programms, die Administration, die Weiterentwicklung der Angebote und die Kommunikation gegen Aussen.

Diese neue Gliederung verschafft Klarheit in der Aufteilung der Kompetenzbereiche. Die Auflösung der Departements-Struktur und die Rolle von Leoulseged Kassahun ermöglichen mehr Flexibilität und Effizienz im Rahmen der bestehenden personellen Ressourcen. Auf diese Weise ist das Teamgefüge dynamischer und alle Teammitglieder können pädagogische Aufträge sowie mehr Verantwortung übernehmen. Mit geringem finanziellen Aufwand können die Leistungen für Strassenkinder sowie für armutsbetroffene Kinder und Jugendliche erweitert werden. Neu besteht der Bereich der Prävention, der die Zusammenarbeit mit öffentlichen Schulen vorantreibt und als neues Programm zur Stabilisierung von armutsbetroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen dient, damit diese gar nicht erst auf der Strasse landen. Zudem wird der Bereich der Existenzsicherung aufgebaut, dessen Angebote sich an Jugendliche richten, die ebenfalls auf der Strasse leben aber schon etwas älter sind. Auf diese Weise wird einer erweiterten Zielgruppe Unterstützung auf dem Weg in die finanzielle Selbstständigkeit als junge Erwachsene geboten. Die dafür vorgesehenen Massnahmen sind zurzeit noch in der Entwicklungsphase.

Die sozialen Werte des Sports

 Saskia von Greyerz, August 2015

Seit mehr als zehn Jahren baut das Resozialisierungsprogramm für Strassenkinder in Äthiopien auf der sport-pädagogischen Methodik des KRAFT-Modells auf. Zeit, sich wieder einmal die Methode und deren Entwicklung etwas genauer anzuschauen.

Das KRAFT-Modell wurde vom Vereinsgründer Stephan Zihler entwickelt und steht in seinen einzelnen Buchstaben für „Körper, Regeln, Akzeptanz, Fairness und Team“. Das Ziel der Methodik ist es, Kindern gesellschaftlich akzeptierte Verhaltensformen (wieder) zu erlernen, die sie im rauen Alltag auf der Strasse abgelegt oder verlernt haben. Um eine nachhaltige Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe anbieten zu können, wird im Rahmen dieser Module ein realitätsnaher Bezug zum Alltag, die Flexibilität zur gesellschaftlichen Anpassung und die Möglichkeit zur Aktivierung des Klientel verlangt.

In den sportpädagogischen Lektionen innerhalb des Programms von STB in Äthiopien werden die Strassenkinder während einem Jahr fast täglich im Rahmen des KRAFT-Modells unterrichtet. Das Modell bietet in seinen fünf Bereichen eigens erarbeitete Spiel- und Trainingsformen an, welche in einem spielerischen Rahmen soziale Werte vermitteln. Diese ermöglichen es den Sportlehrerinnen und Sportlehrer, im Anschluss an jede Lektion, mit den Kindern und Jugendlichen den Transfer zum Alltag, zu den gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen und zu ihren individuellen Situationen zu schaffen.

Gruppengespräch nach einer KRAFT-Lektion

Gruppengespräch nach einer KRAFT-Übung

Diese Transfergespräche sind der zentrale Aspekt dieser Methode, weil durch sie eine Reflexion und somit eine Vertiefung des Erlebten stattfindet und die Entwicklung der persönlichen, inneren Haltung jedes Einzelnen unterstützt werden kann.

Während den letzten Jahren wurde das Modell laufend angepasst und wird innerhalb des Re-sozialisierungsprozesses von STB aktuell von vier Sportlehrerinnen und Sportlehrern angewendet.Tamiru, ein Sportlehrer von STB Äthiopien, stellt dabei fest: „Das KRAFT-Modell ist nicht mehr das, was es vor zehn Jahren einmal war. Die Struktur blieb erhalten, der Inhalt wird jedoch stetig und auf vielfältige Weise den verändernden Bedingungen angepasst und bedarfsorientiert weiterentwickelt.“

KRAFT-Lektion auf dem Trainingsgelände in Addis Abeba (Äthiopien)

KRAFT-Lektion auf dem Trainingsgelände in Addis Abeba (Äthiopien)

Als exemplarisches Beispiel erzählt er von einer aktuellen Adaption des Modells: Bereits Ende 2014 häuften sich Fälle, in denen Strassenkinder aus Addis Abeba einen neuen und sehr schädlichen Schuhleim schnüffelten. Dieser Leim ist in seiner Wirkung gefährlicher als die bisherigen Leime, weil er es ermöglicht, Emotionen stärker zu betäuben – bis hin zur Besinnungslosigkeit. Tamiru stellte mit grosser Sorge fest, dass durch die Konsumation des Schuhleimes die Zusammenarbeit mit den Kindern noch mehr erschwert wird und entschied sich deshalb im Januar 2015 das Modul „Körper“ zu erweitern und um eine Woche zu verlängern, um die Problematik zu vertiefen. Dabei setzte er in pädagogisch inszenierten Sportlektionen den Fokus auf den eigenen Körper, auf den Nutzen und die Gefahren von körperschädlichen Substanzen und führte zudem wichtige Transfergespräche, welche das Erlebte fassbarer machten und darauf hinzielten, Kraft aus sich selber zu schöpfen.

Tamiru (links) erklärt seinen Schülern eine KRAFT-Übung, Januar 2015

Tamiru (links) erklärt seinen Schülern eine KRAFT-Übung

Welche Bedeutung das KRAFT-Modell für die tägliche Arbeit im Projekt hat, erklärt Tamiru folgendermassen: „Das Modell, wie es uns Stephan Zihler gelehrt hat, soll im Kern der Arbeit flexibel bleiben, um so den Umständen gemäss reagieren zu können. Das Modell erlaubt es uns, die Arbeit den aktuellen Gegebenheiten und Bedürfnissen entsprechend zu adaptieren und weiter zu entwickeln. Nur so kann eine nachhaltige Resozialisierung angestrebt werden, die stets im Wohle der Kinder agiert.“

Weitere Eindrücke von KRAFT-Lektionen im Programm von STB Äthiopien:

(Bilder von Lisa Meyer und Aurelia Golowin, Januar 2015)

The story about Melaku*, his process and the daily work in Sport – The Bridge

Beitrag von Céline Nadine Michel

I would like to visualize the work with street children, the difficulties, challenges, the future of them and the satisfaction of the work from the employees. All presents it by a biographic story from our street child Melaku who had been well reintegrated to his family in February 2015.


Some personal dates about Melaku

Age: 13 years old

Family: Parents are alive, 2 brothers and 2 sisters

Place of residence: Harar

Duration of stay in Addis: Since 2012

Melaku lived three years alone on the street of Addis Abeba, he travelled to the city by mini bus, without any knowledge about Addis Abeba. He imagined a better life in the city than in his countryside region. Unfortunately the challenges started as soon as he arrived: no living place, any support from adults, just him-self and the street. So, he started to get in touch with other street children and he made some contacts, as well he got some bad influences from them. Melaku started Glue sniffing to protect himself from the coldness of the nights and to forget everything.

Two years ago his life changed, a Sport – The Bridge Staff worker picked Melaku up on the street and he started to join the project from Sport The Bridge.

Some statements from the Staff workers about the beginning challenges with Melaku

“Attention deficient, as a result of drug intoxication. Resistance in the form of being absent, coming late to the counseling sessions.” (Health Department Psychologist Lastawusih)

“Melaku did Glue sniffing throw the night so he did not sleep, the consequences on the Compound were, that he slept the whole day long. Especially on Monday he could not participate our hygiene program, for example when we negotiate him to wash his own clothes, he started to sleep on it.” (Health Department Nurse Sister Aselefech)

“To settle a goal with Melaku was very difficult, he did not attend our appointments and he could not express how his future could look like.” (Family Department Daniel)

General difficulties of the work with streetchildren from different aspects and Department workers

“The biggest challenge to work with street children is to get their trust and so that they don’t drop out from our Project after some days. Our main goal on the sportsfield is to teach them the KRAFT Module, we expect from our children a lot of concentration when we have our discussion times, for every child it is at the beginning very difficult to pay attention, to stay calm and as well to teach how important the positive behaviors are. The last difficulty after the reintegration to their family is, that they follow their families rules and not going back to the street of Addis again.” (Sport Department Teacher Girmay)

“Sometimes it is a challenge to cook for street children because you never know how many are coming to the Compound, we need to calculate everyday for how many people we should cook. There are the staff workers who are eating on the Compound, the street children, the street kids who are sick and need food for the evening and as well we are sometimes giving food out for our follow up children.” (Nutrition Department Elsa)

How Melakus process changed into a positive way

At the beginning of the work with Melaku it took everybody of the Staff workers a lot of energy, to get in touch with him, to get his trust and to show him better possibilities of life. The duration to reach the point of the reintegration was almost two years. A big process happened when Melaku came one day to the Compound with a hematoma on his head. Somebody on the street hit him by a stone. So there was a need to handle and Melaku had been treaten by medication. The decision from Sister was to put Melaku to the Shelter (a place away from the street where the sick child can recover). From now on, Melaku took everyday his medicine and he was away from the Glue, his physical and psychological health condition changed immediately. He started to follow the schedule of the Compound, he did not sleep anymore during Compound time and he could follow the program.

“One of Melakus strengths: He had a relatively strong perceived self-efficacy.” (Health Department Psychologist Lastawusih)

“He started to look strong for playing, he started to participate on daily hygiene program, his face looked happy, he could smile for some whiles, as well he went to eat without any disturbing.” (Health Departement Sister Aselefech)

“At eating time suddenly Melaku`s behavior for disturbing changed, he ate in a silent way and enjoyed his food. When he took Glue I could observe he had no interest for food even no appetite.” (Nutrition Department Elsa)

“I observed a physical process from Melaku on the Sport field as soon as he was clean from Glue and he slept in the Shelter, he started to be active and very strong on the sports field he was able to follow our sport activities”. (Sport Department Teacher Girmay)

“Melaku was suddenly interested in joining the meetings we had together and we could start to settle a goal for his future.” (Family Department Daniel)

February 2015, Melaku expressed the wish for going home

So, there is now the last step to do for the Staff workers, the Family Department workers planned the trip to Harar, Harar is 250 km away from Addis Abeba, for bringing Melaku back home to his mother, to his family and his social network.

Melakus Feedbacks about the Sport – The Bridge Project

“The reason for me to stop Glue sniffing is: I know now the side effects from it. My favorite lesions in the Sport – The Bridge project were Karate and painting. I can say, I learned from the sportsfield a lot about acceptance. For me the Shelter was a place to recover and have time for myself and at the end to get away from Glue. I am excited for going home, to see my siblings and family. “

About the reintegration in the view from the Family Department workers

“The reintegration with Melaku was good but also challenging, the kid was joining our project two years long, we could observe many behavioral problems and he was not able to tell us properly his family situation as well we did not know his address. There was no other option for us than to go to Harar and check the situation. When we arrived we were not able to find his mother, but as soon as we found her, we recognized that she was living with some other individuals and also she does not have any job, she lead her life by begging on the street. Then we were fried to convince the owner of a home to give them the chance to start a new life with their own home. Because in this situation, the mother was living as well on the street there was no possibility to reintegrate Melaku. Our solution was, to take them to the Kebele (which is the government office), there we have been told as soon as they get an identification card, they can rent a home. But without starting capital there is no hope, many phone calls we needed to help them and at the end we covered their rent for the next 6months and we bought for them some necessary materials like blankets, mattress, dishes and so on. For the future we were tried to advise his mother to start working to support her child and also herself. At the end the government gave us a positive response and they will help them for the future even for the rent as well for starting a little business.“ (Family Department Daniel and Syatayehu)

My wishes for Melaku

“Many things which are positive are all my wishes. For the short term: I wish to him to regain the strong positive relations with his family members and being able to stable at his home. I wish also his strengthen against rejection to the substance abuse. For the long term: I wish him to join formal school and enjoyed with the fruit of wisdom and knowledge, a competent and moderate person for others.“ (Health Department, Psychologist Lastawusih)

My satisfaction in my daily work

“I feel very happy if I see our street children with a smiling face and they are playing together and they can forget for some moments their challenges and their problems.“ (Health Department, Sister Aselefech).

“Since 14 years I am working for Sport The Bridge, I like and I choose the right profession for me, because the people are appreciate my cook, we do our best for a high quality, quantity and hygiene.“ (Nutrition Department, Elsa)

“When the children are feeling happy, we can support them to solve some problems, if they are satisfied with our service, that makes me satisfied and happy in my job.“ (Sport Department Girmay).

“The story about Melaku made us very happy, this is our daily work and this is one of the good examples which gave us mental satisfaction.“ (Family Department Daniel and Syatayehu)



Football in Sport – The Bridge Ethiopia

Matthias Buser and Numa Francillon have been working as trainee in Addis for 3 months. They were involved in the Sport department activities.

Sport plays a key role in Sport – The Bridge. Many ball games are played on the sport field by the first year children. Out of all different games played, one has got more and more importance through the years, namely Football. Together with running, football is sport number one in Ethiopia. To be convinced just go once on Jan Meda area on a Saturday.

Football is found in many places of Sport – The Bridge. The first year children play it after the KRAFT lesson and have an intern “tournament” every Friday. The Sport department has now 3 football teams under the “coaching system”. Last but not least, the staff plays every Friday on Jan Meda and is part of the “health league”, a friendly championship in Addis.

Football and first year children

Sport pedagogy with the so called KRAFT module represents the center of the reintegration project. Many kind of sport are played during the first year children sport lessons. One of them is football. Children are playing football after the KRAFT lesson as a fun game. A small football tournament is organized for them every Friday. The children compete against each other following football rules. More than a few people say, the possibility to play is one of the convicing reasons for the childern to join the project.

First year children singing Ethiopia national anthem before the game

First year children singing Ethiopia national anthem before the game

“Coach system”

A couple of years ago, Sport – The Bridge Ethiopia has created some football teams for follow-up and community children. They give the opportunity to practice and play the game to more than 100 children. On the other hand, the football coaches obtain the possibility to be in contact with the children even after the reintegration. There are 3 teams, coached by Sport department teacher: The under 17 team, the under 15 and the under 13. The first two teams play in a tournament. The under 13 is not yet playing any regular tournament. Nevertheless, Sport – The Bridge Ethiopia have organized recently a tournament to give this team the opportunity to play. 10 teams from different organizations and areas of Addis Ababa have participated in this exceptional event.

Kick-off of U13 football-tournament, which was organized by Sport - The Bridge Ethiopia

Kick-off of U13 football-tournament, which was organized by Sport – The Bridge Ethiopia

Sport – The Bridge Staff team

Football passion is shared among staff member. They are playing every Friday after work. This is a non-missing event of the week. Furthermore, a team is playing in the “health league”, a friendly championship organized by the municipality. Different organizations are playing against each other every Sunday. This year the team lost the semifinal but got the third place by winning the last game of the season.

Sport – The Bridge Staff team ready to play the semifinal


Informationsveranstaltung von Sport – The Bridge

Lyliana und Fikirte, die Programmmanagerinnen des Projekts «Äthiopien – Sport baut Brücken» haben am 28.4.2015 als Teil ihres 10-tägigen Aufenthalts in der Schweiz an einem Infoanlass im Goju Kan in Bern über ihre Arbeit vor Ort in Addis Abeba berichtet. Viele Interessierte haben den Weg ins Goju Kan gefunden und aufmerksam ihren Ausführungen gelauscht.

In Äthiopien gibt es zwischen 100’000 und 200’000 Strassenkinder, zirka 50’000 bis 60’000 davon leben in Addis Abeba. Etwa 70% dieser Kinder stammen von ausserhalb von Addis Abeba. Sie tauschen ihr Zuhause meistens aus Armutsgründen, wegen Drogenmissbrauch oder sexuellem Missbrauch gegen das Leben auf der Strasse aus. In Addis Abeba kümmern sich 4 NGOs um die Probleme der Strassenkinder. Nur Sport – The Bridge arbeitet mit einem sportpädagogischen Ansatz, anhand dessen sie den Kindern soziale Fertigkeiten beibringen, die sie brauchen, um sich in die Schule und die Familie zu reintegrieren. Dies ist auch einer der Punkte, weshalb Erik Golowin, der Gastgeber an diesem Abend und ein Unterstützer der ersten Stunde, von der Arbeit vor Ort begeistert ist.

Erik Golowin erzählt, warum er STB unterstützt

Die Sportpädagogik begleitet ihn schon das ganze Leben und stellt ebenfalls einen wichtigen Berührungspunkt mit dem Projekt dar. Erik war schon oft in Addis Abeba und ist immer wieder überwältigt von dem Blumenstrauss an Emotionen, den er dort durchlebt. Er betont, dass er von einem Äthiopienbesuch jeweils voller Energie in die Schweiz zurückkehrt. «Ich erhalte dort von den Menschen etwas, das nicht greifbar ist», meint er und berichtet von dem schwierigen Umgang mit der Armut und den schönen Begegungen mit den Menschen und den kulturellen Eigenheiten.

Die Besucherinnen und Besucher nutzen an diesem Abend die Gelegenheit, Fragen an Lyliana und Fikirte zu richten. Diese geben professionell Auskunft über die Rekrutierung der Kinder, die psychologische Betreuung, über den Umgang und die Aufarbeitung von Missbrauch an den Kindern und die Wiedereingliederung in die Familien.

Zudem schildern Lyliana und Fikirte an dem Beispiel von Bruke, wie mit den Kindern gearbeitet wird. Bruke kommt aus Südäthiopien und lebte auf den Strassen von Addis Abeba.

Wenn Bruke am Morgen auf den Compound von Sport – The Bridge kommt, wäscht er sein Gesicht und seine Hände, bevor es Frühstück gibt. Bruke muss sich zuerst wieder daran gewöhnen, Frühstück zu essen, weil er das gar nicht mehr kennt. Davor spielt er Ping-Pong und Volleyball. Nach dem Frühstück wechselt Bruke seine Strassenkleider gegen Sportkleider und macht sich mit den anderen Kindern und den Sportlehrern auf zum 5 Minuten entfernten Sportplatz. Nach einiger Zeit im Projekt entdeckt das medizinische Team, dass Bruke an Tuberkulose leidet und dringend medizinische Betreuung braucht. Das Team schlägt ihm deshalb vor, die notwendige 8-monatige Behandlung unter der Aufsicht von Sport – The Bridge zu machen und während dieser Zeit das Projekt zu besuchen. Bruke entscheidet sich aber dafür, nach Hause zu seiner Grossmutter zu gehen. Also kontaktieren die Mitarbeitenden seine Grossmutter, das Spital vor Ort und organisieren Brukes Behandlung sowie die Sicherstellung seiner Ernährung und entlassen Bruke in die Obhut seiner Familie.

Hinten: Foto von Bruke mit seiner Grossmutter

Hinten: Foto von Bruke mit seiner Grossmutter

Nach etwa zwei Monaten ist ein Sozialarbeiter von Sport – The Bridge vor Ort, um einen anderen Jungen in seine Familie zu integrieren. Bei diesem Anlass nimmt er die Gelegenheit war, um nach Bruke zu sehen. Er findet heraus, dass Bruke regelmässig Tej trinkt, ein äthiopisches alkoholhaltiges Getränk. Bruke kann aber überzeugt werden, dass das für seine Genesung nicht gut ist. Die Mitarbeitenden von Sport – The Bridge bleiben auch nach diesem Besuch in Kontakt mit Bruke und rufen seine Grossmutter an, um zu erfahren, wie es ihm geht. Bis jetzt scheint sich Bruke gut zu erholen und freut sich über den Erdnussbutter, den er durch Sport – The Bridge kennen- und lieben gelernt hat.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Lyliana und Fikirte eine gute und arbeitsintensive Zeit in der Schweiz verbracht haben und nun gut wieder zu Hause angekommen sind.

Family Integration

The main aim of Sport – the Bridge is to reintegrate street children into their families. And the children are made to know that from the first day they participate in the program, though of course it is the children themselves that set their goals and decide if and when they are ready. It is the reason that Sport – the Bridge does not provide them with a shelter for the night. It is also the reason that there is no special food or sweets given to them. Nothing their families could not provide them with at home.
What we know about family integration is that there are two types, the Addis Ababa and the country side integration. When a child is integrated inside the city, there is an extensive follow-up; it comes back to Sport – the Bridge during the day until able to go back to regular school and later check-ups at home and in schools are done to see whether it is attending or not. If the child is reintegrated to the country side, because of the far distance the follow-up is less extensive and it is not possible to check school attendance.
Our actual insight into the integrational work is, however, very limited. We do not follow the phone calls that are made with family members, do not understand the discussions of the family workers with the children or the parents and usually do not go with, when a child is brought back to its family. What we do experience is that sometimes parents come to the compound to talk to family workers. That one morning a child is dressed in new clothes, about to be reintegrated to its family in the country side. That one boy looks anxiously into the compound to the telephone where a family worker is calling his parents. That some children suddenly show up with comparatively clean and not torn clothes and we learn that they are already reintegrated into their families inside the city, but keep coming back during the day until they can attend regular school again in the new school year. Or that a boy says goodbye to the others, about to be reintegrated and hence does not show up again the next morning.
What we do experience is that this integration has an influence on Myriam’s English classes. She is preparing a little theatre with some of the children and last week she “lost” three of her main characters because they have been reintegrated. So she had to declare twice another “proud cat” and nearly also another “girl cat”. Fantastic to hear that these boys are now back at home, living with their families again – difficult to manage a continuing class program with all these changes. Anyhow, now, the “new proud cat” can go on on his journey to find his “girl cat”, teaching the children to communicate in English and having fun to act as a cat, a fox, a cloud or a fire.
What we do experience is that this integration has an influence on Leonie’s sport classes. One morning her fitness boxing program does not take place at all, because she is allowed to accompany one of the family workers, when he reintegrates a child. They leave the compound in the morning alongside the boy, who leads them to his home. He is
seemingly nervous, anxious and very quiet, unlike other days. They get to his house and first encounter the small brother outside. The boy runs towards his brother to give him a hug and cannot hold back some tears. Then they enter the home and Leonie is able to experience how the parents take their son into their arms, how they explain to the family worker what happened and how he informs them about Sport – the Bridge and how the boy was found. She does not understand what is said in Amharic, but cannot fail to sense the emotions in the room, the mother holding her son around his shoulders, the father, in thoughts, looking straight ahead, the worry about his son seemingly still noticeable. Finally the little boy goes down on his knees in front of his parents to apologize. “Yikirta”.
When the discussions are finished and the further procedure agreed on, the boy comes back to the compound. He missed too much time at classes to go back to regular school right away. Thus he keeps on following the daily program at Sport – the Bridge until the next school year. Thus he is back also the next day to follow Leonie’s sport program in the morning and to participate in Myriam’s theatre preparation in the afternoon. And Myriam is happy to have her “girl cat” again and the “girl cat” is happy to perform as a protagonist in the play.
We are thankful for the opportunity to have come here to Sport – the Bridge in Ethiopia and to have been able to make all those experiences. Seeing children coming from the street and being brought back home, experiencing how one of them proudly introduces us to his big brother, who came to accompany him home and being allowed to personally experience the reintegration of one boy into his family. “Amasagnallehu”.

Myriam & Leonie


The Kickabout besucht unser Programm in Addis Abeba

Letztes Wochenende konnten unsere Mitarbeiter/innen in Addis Abeba das Team von The Kickabout empfangen, welches unserem Programm einen zweitägigen Besuch abstattete.

“The Kickabout: Africa 2010” reist überland von Kairo nach Kapstadt und verfolgt dabei die folgenden drei Ziele:

  1. Das Feiern des Afrikanischen Fussballs
  2. Die Ehrung von Afrikas Persönlichkeiten in den Bereichen humanitäres Engagement und Sport
  3. Unterstützung für die engagiertesten und innovativsten Projekte im Bereich Sport und Entwicklung in Afrika

Den Bericht über den Besuch und weitere Informationen über “The Kickabout: Africa 2010” findet ihr bitte unter folgendem Link:

“The Kickabout: Africa 2010” @ Sport – The Bridge’s programme in Addis Ababa

The Kickabout @ Sport - The Bridge 2010