Heaven in Trouble

Beni Etter (a current intern of STB in Ethiopia) created a short movie at the end of his “Hackysacky”-project. “Hackysacky” are hand-made crotched balls which the kids filled with small stones and popcorn and are being played by juggling with the feet. Beni taught the children how to make and how to play “Hackysacky”. Watch the short movie showing an imaginary “battle between angels and demons” – a play created by Beni, in collaboration with the STB kids and co-workers.

Big Trouble in Heaven



STB-Stamm Mittwoch 1. Oktober

Liebe STB-Mitglieder
Liebe Spenderinnen und Spender
Liebe Freunde, Bekannte und Interessierte

Der nächste STB-Stamm findet am Mittwoch, 1. Oktober, statt. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen. Wir treffen uns ab 19 Uhr im Lehrerzimmer.

Vom Vorstand wird Thierry Graf anwesend sein. Er freut sich über angemeldete oder spontane Gesellschaft (graf@sportthebridge.ch / 078 637 19 33).

3-monatiges Praktikum bei “Ethiopia – Sport builds Bridges” in Addis Abeba

Sport – the Bridge vergibt zwei 3-monatige Praktikumsplätze von Februar bis April 2015. Wenn du dich für das Praktikum interessierst, besuche unsere Homepage www.sportthebridge.ch, wo du detaillierte Angaben zum Verein und Programm in Addis Abeba findest.



Als PraktikantIn arbeitest du fünf Tage in der Woche im Programm mit und erhältst so einen Einblick in die Arbeit mit Strassenkindern und lernst nebenbei hautnah Menschen und Kultur kennen. Du unterstützt die Mitarbeitenden vor Ort, und wirst nach Absprache mit dem lokalen Management ein eigenes kleines Projekt planen, durchführen und evaluieren. Dabei stehen dir die Bereiche Sportpädagogik, Gesundheitsschulung, Kunst und Malen, Alphabetisierung und Schulunterrichtsvorbereitung aber auch Aufgaben im Management und der Organisationsentwicklung zur Verfügung.


Vorgängige Auslanderfahrung, Englischkenntnisse (schriftlich/mündlich), Mindestalter 24 Jahre, Selbstständigkeit, Eigenverantwortung, Initiative, Kreativität, Interesse im interkulturellen Bereich tätig zu sein, Offenheit, Flexibilität, Bereitschaft sich einen kleinen Wortschatz in Amharisch anzueignen, Interesse sich auch vor und nach dem Praktikum für unseren Verein einzusetzen.

Wir bieten

Die Möglichkeit sehr praxisnah Erfahrung im Bereich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu sammeln, vorgängige Begleitung und Information bei der Vorbereitung für das Praktikum in der Schweiz, Betreuung durch äthiopische Leitung vor Ort, Kost und Logis.


Bitte schicke deinen CV und Motivationsschreiben in englischer Sprache bis zum 6. Oktober 2014 an Marina Marthaler und Myriam Egger.

How a school-year is finished in Ethiopia and how plants survive the rainy season

Already two months passed since our last blog-entry. In this time, a lot of things happend. New children came to Sport – The Bridge (STB), a lot of activities were organised, the rainy season is about to finish and we’re still happy to be here. We would like to tell you about two topics.

School closing ceremony

This is an event who is organised every year. This time, it was a bit special because of the ten years anniversary of STB. The aim of the ceremony was to appreciate that all the former and present STB-students succesfully finished their school-year.
Around 200 children and some of their parents were attending the great ceremony held in an event-hall next to Jan Meda in the morning of August 26.


The event was a good mix of interesting speeches, karate- and dancing-shows, award-giving for excellent efforts, short movies, interviews, an art-exhibition and – last but not least – a delicious meal to end the ceremony.


It was interesting for us to see how such kind of ceremonies are held in Ethiopia. We were impressed how entertaining and informative the ceremony was, even though the preparation-time was quite short.


The organisation of this event kept everybody busy. Uncluding us. Moira held several dance-lessons with the aim to perform the developed dance at the school closing ceremony. It became a funny mix of ethiopian and european dance. The involved children were very motivated and happy to dance in front of so many people.
Beni prepared a short movie about the ten years anniversary. He used old movies from the STB-archive and put arranged them to a short film.
After the four hours of celebration everyone left the event-hall very happy.

STB-Garden at the peer-house

In the garden happend a lot as well. After the rain and hail destroyed a lot of vegetable. We held an emergency-meeting and decided to construct small roofs above the patches and were forced to replant some vegetable.


Now the plants have recovered and are growing fast. The children take their responsibility to clean the garden regularly.


This month, we started with the gardening on the STB-compound as well. The compound already looks greener than before.

In october, when the vegetable is ready to harvest, we want to do a garden ceremony at the peer house garden. We’re going to invite all of the STB-staff. The event is going to be planed and realised with all the “garden kids”. We will let you know about this and other events and projects in the future…
