STB is part of Addis Ababa city football tournament


In 2011 Sport – The Bridge is participating in under 17 year talent football tournament which organized by Addis Ababa city Football Federation.  The tournament is the higher football tournament in the country in this age category. STB’s talent team has combined with former street children and some children from the society in order to socialize the street children and to make competent team for the consent. So far in this tournament STB youth team had four games and collected four points and score 13 goals.  The tournament held every week, more of this the children have two training session in a week. The occasion inspired the children to do more and to exercise other perspective of life. More of this it can develop all STB’s clients self confidence and self-esteem in order to able them competent in their real life.

During the first match in this tournament Sport – The Bridge against the giant sport club, St. George FC. The red and black T-Shirts STB, yellow T-shirts St. George.


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